Liberty's kids Wiki
George Washington
[[George Washington|250px]]
George Washington
Vital statistics
Title General of Continental Army
Gender Male
Race Caucasian
Faction American Army
Health Good
Level General
Age 44 (At the end of the series)
Status Alive (In series)
Location America

George Washington is the leader of the Continental Army and is one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

He became the First President of the United States of America, serving two terms from 1789 to 1797.

Posthumously in 1976, he was promoted to General of the Armies, making Washington the highest-ranking officer of the United States.


He's 6'2" with a usually serious expression, He is often wearing a blue coat with black boots and a hat. Near the end of the series after the war, he is seen wearing a black waist coat instead of his Continental Army uniform.


He is brave, compassionate, and bold. While aloof and outwardly stern, he treats his men fairly and like family. He is a strong leader, always thinking of new ideas, and his men respect and honor him. He is reserved and rarely let his emotions show, only doing so with people he trusts, such as the Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, and his wife, Martha.

Historical Information[]

Washington fought in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War. He would later become the first president of the United States, serving two terms from 1789 to 1797.


  • George Washington is voiced by Cork Ramer.
  • George Washington's personal surgeon is James Craik, a family doctor and trusted friend of Washington for 40 years.
  • He had false teeth.
  • He had no children.
  • The only place that he traveled to outside of the states was Barbados.